The 'Collected Tones' exhibition went well on wednesday evening. Mara and I spent some time figuring out technical stuff like streaming live video into the gallery space and getting projectors set up. I added the sound for the evening with some improvised twinkles and rumbles. It was a fun night and also fun to see everyone's reaction to an atypical exhibition space. Visitors entered the gallery and then found me playing music with a couple of projections on the wall: a slideshow featuring the titles of Mara's eight works, and the live 'surveillance' video of her studio down the hall, which had all of her artwork on display, mainly the 'Deep Storage Banff' installation containing photos of all her work. Check it out!
Last night was Valentines Day and we had a great dinner in Canmore at Crazyweed. On the way home it was so clear that we decided to make a side-trip to Lake Minnewanka and check out the immense starlight sky. It was really amazing. Then we saw a coyote just trotting down the road and later a giant Elk bull right in the middle of Banff, casually licking some drainage grate. How nice!
Lots of photos below. I got Mara a grizzly teddy bear!